Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Night before… PART 7

Pritish’s anger was about to explode when suddenly the lights went off following a technical snag. But within five minutes the entire place automatically lit up. Gary was nowhere to be seen. He had disappeared. Pritish gasped for breath having utilised his energy to criticise Gary and his gory plans. He pushed himself towards the bar. Seated on one of the chairs he asked the bar tender to serve him whisky on the rocks. In one single breath he downed it without the wink of an eye. As he sat there frowning, he once again was interrupted by a pat on his back. With the glass gripped tightly in his palm, he turned round to attempt hitting Gary. Only this time it wasn’t Gary but a female with a slender body, dressed seductively in black and smiling.

“Do you have a light?” inquired the woman.
“I don’t smoke,” replied Pritish.
“What kind of man are you? A non smoker. Hard to believe, easy to rubbish,” replied the woman.
“What’s your name?” questioned Pritish.
“Mallika. And may I ask your name?” replied the woman.
“Pritish. That’s my name” replied Pritish.
“It is very strange to see you sitting alone in a party that is supposed to be full of escorts. Haven’t you helped yourself or your preferences are a little different from the normal guys?” teased Mallika.
“No! I am straight. By the way, who are you and what are you doing in here?” asked Pritish irritatedly.
“I am an escort brought here to entertain a guest who was flown all the way from Alaska,” said Mallika. She continued, “Sadly it turned out he is a gay and I was shown the door.”

Quite amused, Pritish was finally meeting and interacting with an escort face to face. Inquisitively he asked Mallika, “So what happened next?”
“Nothing,” replied Mallika.
“I ended up at this bar asking you for a light and only to feel upset about the fact that you don’t smoke,” continued Mallika.
“So what next?” asked Pritish.
“Let’s see what the night has in stock for both of us. Maybe you would be interested in getting entertained by me?” replied Mallika teasingly to Pritish.

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