Monday, April 29, 2019


I was here, right here in February. I wanted to be here in March too. I was in a mood to follow up by being here in the beginning of April. Somehow, it kept getting difficult to come back to what I call as my second home. My blog is my second home. I consider myself fortunate enough to continue coming back in here.

Every time I come back, I spend some time recollecting the environment from my last visit. I also like to revisit some of my old memories. And, most importantly I love to revive certain energies.

This time I have come back after a hiatus of one month. All this time, I had been traveling across my own destinations of different stories. And then there were those other destinations of stories and imaginations; shared across by different people with diverse backgrounds.

Since I have come back, the first question that arises in the mind – What am I writing next?Even though on most occasions, I’ve a fair idea of what I should be writing next; this time I have decided to go with the flow.

This time, I have come back with flavors of my hometown. I have also brought in the kindness of two South Indian states. I have gathered bits and pieces of relationships; some absolutely strong and some absolutely broken. I have also put together a collage of distinct imaginations. If that doesn’t seem enough, I wish to add that special extra of love and longing, we feel for someone who cares for us.

Every time I come back, it feels special. The benefits of this comeback are widespread. These benefits are absolutely humane in nature. They aren’t drenched in expectations or overdone with ample doses of fantasy. 

As I reach a little closer to the conclusion of this post, I suddenly realize that there are some interesting voices in my head. Maybe they are trying to communicate/convey something across to me.

Since this is a moment of I coming back to my second home, I wish to sign off with a smile on my face and a lot of joy in the heart.

Finally, it feels so good to be back home. 

Evert time I come back, I will have something new to say. Or perhaps, I will have something old to be said in a new way! 

All of the above remains unchanged till the time, I start re-imagining me, myself and everyone together.

- Virtuous Vociferous | April 29 | April Blog-1 | Never Settle | 2019