Thursday, September 22, 2005


Daily Diary is Self Development

Modern day lifestyle is a roller coaster ride. Time is like flowing sand, which does not allow you to stand still and think. So how do we develop ourselves? Is there a way out? Either enrol yourself in a month long course at some behavioural training institute or start writing a diary.

Maintaining a daily diary and self-development seem to be two distant relatives with nothing in common. But the moment you start writing a diary, you take the first step towards self-development. It polishes your personality, cleanses your perception and boosts your confidence. You start believing in your inner self rather than pleading to be understood by the world.

Writing daily diary is generating discipline. And if written innovatively, can yield rich results. It is a fact that computers have made people lazy and spilling ink on paper has become a thing of the yore. But compel yourself to get active, pick up the pen and start writing a diary.

The next question, which arises, is how does daily diary bring about self-development? Well, it is a multi faceted phenomenon. Great people from the past made it a point to detail important and unimportant events of their lives in their diaries. They have become epics.

Every night, before you retire to your bed, steal some time and sit down to write a diary. Try to note down the day’s events in your diary. This practice makes you think. Your mind starts thinking faster. You compel your mind to think harder by recalling every single incident that took place in the whole day. It is nothing less than aesthetic yoga for your mind.

A diary is your private property. Treat it like the costliest treasure found on a virgin island. Do not part with the facts you tend to pen down with others. Write what you feel, write what you think and enjoy reading them at your own convenience.

Be honest while writing your diary. There is no use lying to your own self. Your diary is your reflection. No one is going to read your diary except some idol minds, which tend to hamper everything that is good around him or her.

Discipline comes naturally while writing a diary. Even if you had been through the busiest schedules of a hectic day, you save some energy to write down your diary. There is no use in accounting three-day events of your life in one day.

People who pen down their goals and aspirations from earlier stages of life emerge as successful icons of future. Some may argue that this is a myth. But trying is the best way to reach a destination called ‘Success’. If you set a goal and write it down in your diary, you will try three times harder to achieve it. No one can stop you from doing so. And if they do so, just flip through the pages of your diary, which will rejuvenate your mind and again inspire you to be unique.

At times, diaries have helped in winning wars and cracking murder mysteries. History stands witness to such events. Personal autobiographies come to life, when people dig into their diaries to search for facts, which might have faded from their memories. And if you are a perfectionist, start maintaining a diary of your official work too and you will discover how you can manage things faster. Diaries can make you realise the changes in your life.

So if you still think that maintaining a diary is a hapless activity, do think again? Make life exciting and enjoy developing your own self.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good one i also feel the same