Friday, September 22, 2017


I wasn’t expecting the rains to come lashing back towards the fading end of September. Despite the reasons potent enough to complain against this fluid recurrence, I continued traveling adamantly. Purely driven by the instinct of the tireless Train Spotter Updater within me, this evening was no different. I had just left the metro behind me. The rains had started swelling. Each drop hit against the skin like missiles. Trains were plying way behind their schedule. But I remained unshaken. I was chasing the solo objective of boarding a train, protecting myself from the rains and trying to make it home on time. I was eagerly waiting for the train to arrive.

The train’s arrival sparked an infectious excitement among all eager bystanders on the platform. I was one of them; the Train Spotter Updater. As the train came to a halt, I jumped in and cut my way through the crowd. Even though my intentions were pure but my actions seemed otherwise. Pushed, pressed and pressurized against my wishes, I found myself almost squeezed against the giant screen of the gent’s first class. This giant screen is a passport to fantasies unlimited. This giant screen is also called the video coach. This is a gold window for us men to get to stare at women traveling by fist class. Some of us stare with loads of love in our eyes and some with unapologetic lust. Not too excited with this prospect, I continued making some space to stand comfortably. The train started picking up speed, so did the rains. Many arguments later, the women in the first class agreed to close the doors of the compartment. This gesture of theirs helped us men stay dry.

Two stations later, I too couldn’t resist the temptation of staring at the giant screen. My eyes fell on her. If I am not mistaken, she was on her way back home after attending an event. Or maybe she was one of those who sell highly priced brands of nail paint, lipsticks, kohl etc from behind those counters of beauty in a mall. Dressed in a dull pink top and a black skirt she was trying against her own luck to save the makeup. It was eroding. Yet she looked stunning. Especially because of what shone on her eyelids.

A thick layer of stardust seemed to have claimed their occupancy on her eyelids. The rains had left a few parts of it wet. Delicately but with great care, she was still trying to save it. In between regular intervals, she would pull out her mobile, activate the camera and put it on selfie mode to keep checking if the stardust was wearing off.  I could see her smile. If that wasn’t enough, she would pout, click multiple selfies and stash the mobile back in her bag. She kept repeating her actions. I continued gazing at her. The train was slowing down. The rains were roaring. Yet the stardust on her eyelids continued shining.

The journey concluded. The fury of rains continued intensifying. I saw her walking; a few yards ahead of me. Following her was not on her mind. But going ahead, she herself paused. I continued reducing my speed of walking. Had she caught me gazing? Had she sensed me following? I didn’t see any of it coming. Taking a pause, she pulled out her mobile again, activated the camera and put it on selfie mode. I started walking across her. I turned around and found her seated on a bench. After a short while, she too started walking; this time out of the station. The thickening effect of rains seemed to directly threaten the stardust on her eyelids. But she started saving it with great pain, not allowing the stardust to wither. I stood there, watching her. The rains were showing no signs of stopping and neither were my eyes tired of dreaming.

-Virtuous Vociferous 

Monday, September 18, 2017


Right now I’ve constrained myself to remain unaffected by the sight of the well-made bed. I simply wish to avoid the temptation of sleep, the reward of leisure and the bonus of pleasure. The Sunday is bound to die soon. Monday will follow like a rude beast of sorts. Therefore sleep should be the first thing on mind. Somehow I think, today I will succeed in postponing it; provided Newton doesn’t interfere.

Is something bothering me? Well, of course something is! Or else I wouldn’t have been spending this time, patiently thinking and writing these words. I am wondering and trying to choose between two sides of my life as a professional, a creative writer and a creative director. What are these two sides all about?

Side #1 – Should I turn a blind eye towards non-performers and embrace ignorance?

Side #2 – Is it OK to act like a coward and secretly keep praying to save the job?

If given a choice, I wish to abolish both. Seventeen years of my tough career in advertising have taught me certain principles; one of which is – Seeking Clarity. Even though I stuck to it like a dictum; in the last five years, I haven’t stressed on it firmly. As a result, a not so rare breed of unthinking client servicing executives seems to have taken undue advantage of the same. Rather than blaming them or holding them responsible, I wish to plead guilty. A certain guy called Sanjay Mukherjee spoilt me to the core. His was a personality of a hardcore client servicing executive who easily brewed an infectious blend of passion, persuasion, precision and presentation. How could that idiot never walk out without impressing or winning the client’s approval? Some say, he was blessed. But I don’t believe them. I cursed him every time because he drove me crazy with his ambition to achieve. Bloody hell, I succumbed so easily that I am yet to recover from that process of winning. Circa 2017, I am struggling to make the nonbelievers in good advertising to still seek the bigger purpose of creative communication. Shame on me!

I feel more ashamed because I read from the Bhagwad Gita every morning. Why does it time and again remind us to expect no gratification from our deeds and continue slogging? I feel ashamed because I memorize the line, extend it further by adding ‘never expect anything from anybody’ and I still fail on all counts. I start demanding answers. I start seeking results for the hard work I put in by setting my ass, my mind on fire. It sucks even more when the responsible act irresponsibly, choke the communication network to death and come running towards me to announce – ‘Taking a note of the caused delay in delivering, the client has sent a stinker’. I own up to the discrepancy and deliver. Suddenly the client seems to be in no hurry and the conveyor of the stinking news starts showing withdrawal symptoms. I start demanding answers again. I betray my own learning from the Bhagwad Gita – Continue delivering. Expect nothing. When none of these work, I voluntarily decide to rest my case and lose my cool. This is where Newton’s third law of motion jumps in.

I feel more ashamed because I read from the Bhagwad Gita every morning. Why does it time and again remind us to expect no gratification from our deeds and continue slogging? I feel ashamed because I memorize the line, extend it further by adding ‘never expect anything from anybody’ and I still fail on all counts. I start demanding answers. I start seeking results for the hard work I put in by setting my ass, my mind on fire. It sucks even more when the responsible act irresponsibly, choke the communication network to death and come running towards me to announce – ‘Taking a note of the caused delay in delivering, the client has sent a stinker’. I own up to the discrepancy and deliver. Suddenly the client seems to be in no hurry and the conveyor of the stinking news starts showing withdrawal symptoms. I start demanding answers again. I betray my own learning from the Bhagwad Gita – Continue delivering. Expect nothing. When none of these work, I voluntarily decide to rest my case and lose my cool. This is where Newton’s third law of motion jumps in.

To conclude, the fearless mind that I have been born with and the restless soul that I will continue being, I believe my action will definitely lead to reactions. Will that stop me from causing ruckus? Will I stop demanding answers? Will I decide to act like a coward? Or simply raise my voice and allow Newton’s third law of motion to take over! I think only when the apple falls; the issues concerning me will gain some gravity. Till then, I shall rebel.

-Virtuous Vociferous