A revolution doesn’t begin at the wink of an eye. It takes millions of suppressing years for the blood to reach a state of anguished boil. Unaccountable instances of injustice fuel the fire that burns within. Accusations, anarchy and arduous attitudes further complicate the presence of an individual in today’s society. Finally one day, when the individual is torn apart between the rights and wrongs of an ignorable life, he seeks revenge. The time has come for a revolution to begin. 1857 might have been a failure but the 21st century presents innumerable opportunities to emerge winners. Come! Not one but one million, billion & trillion to revolt against the unjust, unruly and the unbelonged. If the opponents carry a gun, don’t just stand guarded with a bamboo baton. Need a gun; buy it, grab it, steal it and surge with unaccountable force. The time has come to reclaim what we have lost in the last 200 years. It is either in this century that we recreate our identity or lie dead without a heart to pound, without a soul to feel and lie dead for another century to arrive and leave us shaken. Wake up! Before it’s too late!
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