Monday, December 28, 2020


 December 28-2020/ Blog #2

The value of SOON has increased 

by leaps and bounds

As an adverb and as a mere word, SOON stands most underrated; also unstated.

SOON also sounds so obsolete when spoken in the trembling voice of a year as troubled as 2020.

If expressed in the pandemic era, SOON is Hope.

When conveyed in the pre pandemic era, SOON used to be synonymous to happiness.

In the last one month though, the value of SOON has increased by leaps and bounds.

Finally SOON might end up being declared as the frequently uttered/ spoken word of 2020.

Presently we are caught in the carnival of SOON.

The obsession with SOON is understandable.

The rallying around with SOON as the keyword also seems valuable.

SOON started trending when the news came in - There will be a vaccine SOON.

Covid-19/ Corona has left the universe in a state of despair.

Why then the two words of 'VACCINE SOON’ can’t stand eligible to grab global headlines?

Domestic media hasn’t stayed behind.

Just like they reported the fast increasing cases of the pandemic; they are trying to cover as much news, information, rumor and gossip as possible with the hashtag #VaccineSoon.

SOON is a four lettered word. So are LOVE, HOPE, PAIN, HELP and HEAL.

Does that mean SOON is a combination of LOVE, HOPE, PAIN, HELP and HEAL?

Or LOVE, HOPE, PAIN, HELP and HEAL when summed up together is SOON?

I think that will need another round of tireless thinking to establish the connection between both!

But the news of Vaccine Soon sounds good.

But the real journey begins now.

It is important for all of us to remember, the advent of vaccines simply won’t put an end to the drama of a modern day pandemic.

Also the vaccine won’t bring back those who are no more.

The vaccine might help us behave a little responsibly. 

SOON sounds urgent. SOON sounds too important.

At least during the pandemic, SOON is the only ray of possibilities.

SOON might finally make the twain meet between what was, what is and what will be.

The year 2020 seems to be already preparing to pave the way for 2021 SOON.

But will 2021 also emerge as the most opportune time to burn our masks SOON?

None of us can answer that question. But we will find an answer SOON.

-Virtuous Vociferous/ What If/ 2020


Monday, December 14, 2020

A Different Form Of Life

 December 14-2020/ Blog #1

Life is at times absolute; 

at times obsolete too.


So far we know it just by one of its forms.

The form of life, which we are living now.

The one, we say is a Gift of God.

The one, which is given to us by our parents.


Have we ever thought of it differently?

Have we ever thought of imagining it differently?

No. We haven’t.

There is nor harm in doing that.

Maybe we can discover something which could be better than this form of life.


I wonder about it often.

Strange questions flood my mind.

Does this LIFE belong to us?


Do we belong to this LIFE?


I love to imagine it differently.

I often think, life is like a train.

Always in motion.

Travelling from one destination to the other.

And that is where I feel there is a problem.

I wonder what happens to life as a train when it finally reaches a certain destination!

Does it come to a standstill?


If I say it is like a train; it can be considered an interesting form.

Now consider life being in motion.

A destination; a so-called station is almost round the corner.

Just then someone announces that the so-called station, the train was supposed to stop at doesn’t exist any more!

Or it might happen that someone suddenly reveals - the so-called station has suddenly disappeared!

What will happen to this form of LIFE then?

I meant, what would happen to life, I am imagining in a different form; as a train.

Will Life follow the same?


I believe it is a strange package of equally strange events and instances.

Life is at times absolute; at times obsolete too. 


No matter in what form you imagine it as. 

Even if we consider a different form of life.

It will still sound, smell, taste, feel and seem like this LIFE of ours.

Life is life. Nothing else.

-Virtuous Vociferous/ What If/ 2020