Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
We just escaped this way.......!
We simply wanted to add the fun of escaping somewhere out of our city limits. I don't think so, there would had been a better mailer than this one. I just designed it in straight 30 minutes. The mailer was sent to all our clients and friends, to make them understand, what does a 'Break' mean...! The mailer was a refreshingly welcomed by every recipient and our official mailbox bulged with accolades for the same.
I mean it.
IT WAS SHEER FUN.............!
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Yes! on Friday, we are sailing off to Murud-Janjira for a three day rejuvenating phase of bliss. Will be back with the snaps....Just can't resist the excitement.....
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
picnic pik’ nik, n orig. a fashionable social entertainment,
towards which each person contributed a share of the food:
an open-air repast of a number of persons on a country
excursion: an undertaking that is mere child’s play, often
ironically .-adj. of or for a picnic: picknicking-v.i. to have
a picnic
The description above is a direct rip off of the text available to explain the term ‘Picnic’ in Chambers 20th Century Dictionary edited by E. M. Kirkpatrick in the 1983 edition, still trying to survive in our office in a battered condition.
Durshet Dhamaal
Picnic, the term itself is ecstatic.
I don’t owe an apology to any near and dear one for having reported this beautiful experience after such a long time. I have very recently realised the power of a blog site and enjoying every moment of posting. And anyhow the absence of a digital camera had made things a little abrupt. Now every thing is fine. A camcorder has also found its way into my life.
February 5, 2005 was indeed a very special day for all of us in our office. Loads of planning went into vain previously but we were all very desperate to freeze February 5. Our office being located at Thane, we were looking ahead for a destination, which would be quite close, and not taxing to our modest pockets. After much browsing and surfing on net and travel guides, we squared upon Durshet Forest Lodge.
“A river flows by, a variety of birds sing and colourful
butterflies flit around the picturesque site of Durshet.”
The above quote of appreciation that appeared in a holiday destinations supplementary in the daily tabloid Mid Day was enough to reaffirm our faith in our choice. Durshet Forest Lodge is located on the Khopoli-Pali road in Raigad district. Amidst rambling hillocks overlooking the Sahyadris with the river Amba running adjacent, Durshet is a heart stealer. It is an excellent place to relax for a couple of days. The lodge also has a 35-acre natural forest suitable for treks and bird watching.
Our journey in a Tata Sumo was a colourful one. The travel schedule included usual rounds of tireless Antakshari. Being a first timer to this place, we lost our way thus causing a 45min delay in reaching the destination. As we parked our vehicle and entered into the organiser’s office at the lodge, we were pleased to see our names spelt correctly on a white board.
After having shunned the dust accumulated on our bodies due to extensive travelling, we walked into a special dining space created for visitors. A healthy breakfast of steamed idlis, buttered bread slices and medu wada followed with hot cup of tea and coffee escalated our spirits to enjoy the day ahead. But a heavy dose of breakfast muted our wavelength with each other. Our entire team sat unmoved like sacks of wet sand. The organiser very smilingly walked towards us and informed us that a well-built shanty was kept aside for us to freak out. We simply could not abstain ourselves from the joy of being so close to nature. The shanty was surrounded with rare varieties of flowers and plants. A few kilometres from our shanty was located a dormitory owned by the lodge. Non-stop English music was being played there. The presence of some beautiful looking catholic females turned out to be a gazers delight.
After having settled at the shanty, turn-by-turn we displayed our talents. We went a step ahead in emulating the behavioural patterns of our superiors. Hats off to them for having allowed us to do so. We all had fun as a team. No one was superior or no one was a subordinate. We were all united with the colours of a sociable picnic affair. After downing some soft drinks our throats, we proceeded towards the clubhouse. Table tennis and carom were the only indoor activities we could lay our hands on.
Tired and down, we threw ourselves in the hammocks and wanted to escape into an entirely different world. Quite impulsively we took the decision to take a walk down the cottages and have a look at the river Amba that had dried and seemed to anticipate a hefty monsoon. After having photographed ourselves in all the possible best poses, we rushed for yet another round of mouth exercise to consume the afternoon lunch. Food was well served with the entire menu being vegetarian. Hardcore carnivorous picnickers still looked out for options. Lunch was terrific especially the Bhendi Masala. We fell asleep at an adjacent open space only to be awakened by our superiors. They wanted us to revive. A series of management games were played. But, a prolonged cricket session kept all of us on our toes.
Exhausted, down with dust and having lost the opportunity to drown in a knee-deep swimming pool, we headed back towards our home. It was real fun to shoot nature through our bosses third eye, a Nikon you see. Flowers, fun and frolic marked our picnic with remarkable memories, which we still cherish.
The objective of writing this piece at this moment has a hidden purpose attached to it. 48 hours from now, we will be escaping to Murud-Janjira. Luckily we don’t have to arrange for an accommodation, as the destination happens to be one of our colleague’s native.
I will be back with the images and possibly a beautiful written piece on the same. This time, I will be hiring my friend Prashant’s recently purchased Nikon 4600 to capture the moments of pleasure.
Meanwhile, do make it a point to visit this place once.
The address:
Best Season: July to February
Places of Interest:
Hot water springs of Uddhar (27 kms)
Old Pali Fort (20 kms)
Pali Ganapati (20 kms): Part of Ashtavinayak Circuit
Mahad Ganapati: Part of Ashtavinayak Circuit
Lonavala and Khandala (20 kms)
Amba River
For further details you can log onto: www.naturetrailsindia.com
We could not visit the above places due to time constraint.
Take my word for it, best place to visit with your family for a quick weekend or with someone special to enjoy complete privacy.
Have fun…..
Will come back soon…with some more moments of pleasure…!
towards which each person contributed a share of the food:
an open-air repast of a number of persons on a country
excursion: an undertaking that is mere child’s play, often
ironically .-adj. of or for a picnic: picknicking-v.i. to have
a picnic
The description above is a direct rip off of the text available to explain the term ‘Picnic’ in Chambers 20th Century Dictionary edited by E. M. Kirkpatrick in the 1983 edition, still trying to survive in our office in a battered condition.
Durshet Dhamaal
Picnic, the term itself is ecstatic.
I don’t owe an apology to any near and dear one for having reported this beautiful experience after such a long time. I have very recently realised the power of a blog site and enjoying every moment of posting. And anyhow the absence of a digital camera had made things a little abrupt. Now every thing is fine. A camcorder has also found its way into my life.
February 5, 2005 was indeed a very special day for all of us in our office. Loads of planning went into vain previously but we were all very desperate to freeze February 5. Our office being located at Thane, we were looking ahead for a destination, which would be quite close, and not taxing to our modest pockets. After much browsing and surfing on net and travel guides, we squared upon Durshet Forest Lodge.
“A river flows by, a variety of birds sing and colourful
butterflies flit around the picturesque site of Durshet.”
The above quote of appreciation that appeared in a holiday destinations supplementary in the daily tabloid Mid Day was enough to reaffirm our faith in our choice. Durshet Forest Lodge is located on the Khopoli-Pali road in Raigad district. Amidst rambling hillocks overlooking the Sahyadris with the river Amba running adjacent, Durshet is a heart stealer. It is an excellent place to relax for a couple of days. The lodge also has a 35-acre natural forest suitable for treks and bird watching.
Our journey in a Tata Sumo was a colourful one. The travel schedule included usual rounds of tireless Antakshari. Being a first timer to this place, we lost our way thus causing a 45min delay in reaching the destination. As we parked our vehicle and entered into the organiser’s office at the lodge, we were pleased to see our names spelt correctly on a white board.
After having shunned the dust accumulated on our bodies due to extensive travelling, we walked into a special dining space created for visitors. A healthy breakfast of steamed idlis, buttered bread slices and medu wada followed with hot cup of tea and coffee escalated our spirits to enjoy the day ahead. But a heavy dose of breakfast muted our wavelength with each other. Our entire team sat unmoved like sacks of wet sand. The organiser very smilingly walked towards us and informed us that a well-built shanty was kept aside for us to freak out. We simply could not abstain ourselves from the joy of being so close to nature. The shanty was surrounded with rare varieties of flowers and plants. A few kilometres from our shanty was located a dormitory owned by the lodge. Non-stop English music was being played there. The presence of some beautiful looking catholic females turned out to be a gazers delight.
After having settled at the shanty, turn-by-turn we displayed our talents. We went a step ahead in emulating the behavioural patterns of our superiors. Hats off to them for having allowed us to do so. We all had fun as a team. No one was superior or no one was a subordinate. We were all united with the colours of a sociable picnic affair. After downing some soft drinks our throats, we proceeded towards the clubhouse. Table tennis and carom were the only indoor activities we could lay our hands on.
Tired and down, we threw ourselves in the hammocks and wanted to escape into an entirely different world. Quite impulsively we took the decision to take a walk down the cottages and have a look at the river Amba that had dried and seemed to anticipate a hefty monsoon. After having photographed ourselves in all the possible best poses, we rushed for yet another round of mouth exercise to consume the afternoon lunch. Food was well served with the entire menu being vegetarian. Hardcore carnivorous picnickers still looked out for options. Lunch was terrific especially the Bhendi Masala. We fell asleep at an adjacent open space only to be awakened by our superiors. They wanted us to revive. A series of management games were played. But, a prolonged cricket session kept all of us on our toes.
Exhausted, down with dust and having lost the opportunity to drown in a knee-deep swimming pool, we headed back towards our home. It was real fun to shoot nature through our bosses third eye, a Nikon you see. Flowers, fun and frolic marked our picnic with remarkable memories, which we still cherish.
The objective of writing this piece at this moment has a hidden purpose attached to it. 48 hours from now, we will be escaping to Murud-Janjira. Luckily we don’t have to arrange for an accommodation, as the destination happens to be one of our colleague’s native.
I will be back with the images and possibly a beautiful written piece on the same. This time, I will be hiring my friend Prashant’s recently purchased Nikon 4600 to capture the moments of pleasure.
Meanwhile, do make it a point to visit this place once.
The address:
Best Season: July to February
Places of Interest:
Hot water springs of Uddhar (27 kms)
Old Pali Fort (20 kms)
Pali Ganapati (20 kms): Part of Ashtavinayak Circuit
Mahad Ganapati: Part of Ashtavinayak Circuit
Lonavala and Khandala (20 kms)
Amba River
For further details you can log onto: www.naturetrailsindia.com
We could not visit the above places due to time constraint.
Take my word for it, best place to visit with your family for a quick weekend or with someone special to enjoy complete privacy.
Have fun…..
Will come back soon…with some more moments of pleasure…!

Monday, December 05, 2005
Monday, November 21, 2005
As the year draws to a close, one thing that still remains permanent is ‘loneliness’. After a month or so on December 31, 2005 as the clock would tick 12.00 a.m., new resolutions would be made not knowing whether they would survive the year ahead.
The year going by has been a learning experience, which did not teach one but many lessons to lead life. Some lived it dangerously. Some lived it gracefully. And some are still cursing the atrocities they inflicted on their inner conscience. So many lives must have entered into a relationship but must have realised they were meaningless. Expectations must have been high. But, they got crushed beneath feet’s of egoistic souls and hungry grabbers.
The main motive behind writing this entirely confusing piece is still not known. But, later as the browsing continues maybe it would seem like something which speaks about expectations. There are some expectations that are sky high. And some knee high. But, they still remain the same. The eyes are hungry to see that expectation translate into reality. So what exactly are expectations? Are they the dreams, we dream of. Are expectations the real motto of life? Or are they just bits and pieces of life needed to be put together? Questions are many, which solicit zero replies.
Expectations have been talked, discussed and researched about. But, no solid documented proof discovers a closer link between what is and what was. While scanning http://www.quoteland.com, quotes would be available on expectations. Still it continues to be confusion.
Married women after having established a relationship with their beloved husband initiate an expectation from within. Then there is that obligatory nine month schedule of relentless waiting and a new body made up of blood and flesh opens its eyes to the big bad world, out there! Bachelors (read males and females) never give up the enthusiasm of expecting. One common thing that haunts their mind is an expectation of a (virgin) partner. If not virgin, then something quite close to virginity. In today’s global versioned society, is that an expectation or just a necessity? The magazine surveys are bogus and misleading. Every fifth man and a second women loses his or her virginity to somebody either known or unknown to him or her. In such a case, where does the expectation fizzle out? Even while packing the bags for a long honeymoon, expectations are sky high. The rear section of the suitcases are stacked with condoms, porn cd’s, love potions and what not. Husbands and wives are quite susceptible to expectations. Husbands create an onbed session in their minds about how they would deflower a probably virgin life partner. The wives create vaginal fantasies about how the first hand experience would be? Definitely they would expect their beloved friends to demand a first hand report on what went wrong and where they went right during their long honeymoon? Don’t you realise the expectation still continues to contaminate, discriminate and overrule decisions about life and towards life.
Someone once anonymously quoted, “Don’t expect anything from anybody”.
Is that possible in a materialistic world? A teacher always looks upon his/ her students to respect her. Parents look upon their kids to take care of them. Goons look upon their accomplices to commit that perfect crime. Bosses look upon their employees for satisfactory results. Even God looks upon his devotees to worship him. So that term ‘look upon’ does come closer to ‘expectation’. But, still we are left thinking as to what exactly are ‘EXPECTATIONS’?
If you have the reply, please comment………………………………..
The year going by has been a learning experience, which did not teach one but many lessons to lead life. Some lived it dangerously. Some lived it gracefully. And some are still cursing the atrocities they inflicted on their inner conscience. So many lives must have entered into a relationship but must have realised they were meaningless. Expectations must have been high. But, they got crushed beneath feet’s of egoistic souls and hungry grabbers.
The main motive behind writing this entirely confusing piece is still not known. But, later as the browsing continues maybe it would seem like something which speaks about expectations. There are some expectations that are sky high. And some knee high. But, they still remain the same. The eyes are hungry to see that expectation translate into reality. So what exactly are expectations? Are they the dreams, we dream of. Are expectations the real motto of life? Or are they just bits and pieces of life needed to be put together? Questions are many, which solicit zero replies.
Expectations have been talked, discussed and researched about. But, no solid documented proof discovers a closer link between what is and what was. While scanning http://www.quoteland.com, quotes would be available on expectations. Still it continues to be confusion.
Married women after having established a relationship with their beloved husband initiate an expectation from within. Then there is that obligatory nine month schedule of relentless waiting and a new body made up of blood and flesh opens its eyes to the big bad world, out there! Bachelors (read males and females) never give up the enthusiasm of expecting. One common thing that haunts their mind is an expectation of a (virgin) partner. If not virgin, then something quite close to virginity. In today’s global versioned society, is that an expectation or just a necessity? The magazine surveys are bogus and misleading. Every fifth man and a second women loses his or her virginity to somebody either known or unknown to him or her. In such a case, where does the expectation fizzle out? Even while packing the bags for a long honeymoon, expectations are sky high. The rear section of the suitcases are stacked with condoms, porn cd’s, love potions and what not. Husbands and wives are quite susceptible to expectations. Husbands create an onbed session in their minds about how they would deflower a probably virgin life partner. The wives create vaginal fantasies about how the first hand experience would be? Definitely they would expect their beloved friends to demand a first hand report on what went wrong and where they went right during their long honeymoon? Don’t you realise the expectation still continues to contaminate, discriminate and overrule decisions about life and towards life.
Someone once anonymously quoted, “Don’t expect anything from anybody”.
Is that possible in a materialistic world? A teacher always looks upon his/ her students to respect her. Parents look upon their kids to take care of them. Goons look upon their accomplices to commit that perfect crime. Bosses look upon their employees for satisfactory results. Even God looks upon his devotees to worship him. So that term ‘look upon’ does come closer to ‘expectation’. But, still we are left thinking as to what exactly are ‘EXPECTATIONS’?
If you have the reply, please comment………………………………..
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
I dread God. I dread strangers. But, what I dread most is the anger within me. It is a baseless phenomenon which contaminates my inner conscience. It makes me think about all the wrong things in life. My mom keeps on reminding me of ancient saint, who never uttered a word when in meditation. God and nature inflicted various severities on them during their phase of meditation but they stayed unperturbed.
No, I am not a saint. I am a normal human being with an abnormal perception towards life. A little bit of moderate attention paid to me causes agony to my ego. Sometimes, I can’t realise, how my innermost egoistic attitudes outgrows my regular day behaviour.
When I was born, my grandma applied honey on my tongue and ears so that I can speak sweet and listen sweet. But, that nectar gradually transformed into a bitter fluid, which went on getting dangerous. I started dreading it. That fluid is now all over my body. The inner self is the most affected by it. It has blended with the blood and has adulterated my emotions. There are times, when I fail to shed tears at most grieved moments.
The anger within, like cancer, is killing me from within. This cancer is incurable. Researchers have not yet come across the right formula to immune people like me from this dreaded disease.
With the passage of time, I am growing to be the most dreaded being (just a being – no human being). Please forgive me God for the heinous deeds of mine. I know I have failed to be a good son. My mother loves me but I fail to remain committed to her love. Please purify me of my sins. I want to live a normal life. I want to get rid of this inner dreaded self of mine.
The anger within, threatens me, abuses me and reminds of disturbed past, a confusing present and an unpredictable future. The clutches of self generated anger has clamped me to on a thorny bed and evils of frustration are inflicting millions of atrocities on my mind and body.
I dread it. Anger is evil, I understand. But, I fail to survive without it. The Anger Within is painful. Please forgive me.
No, I am not a saint. I am a normal human being with an abnormal perception towards life. A little bit of moderate attention paid to me causes agony to my ego. Sometimes, I can’t realise, how my innermost egoistic attitudes outgrows my regular day behaviour.
When I was born, my grandma applied honey on my tongue and ears so that I can speak sweet and listen sweet. But, that nectar gradually transformed into a bitter fluid, which went on getting dangerous. I started dreading it. That fluid is now all over my body. The inner self is the most affected by it. It has blended with the blood and has adulterated my emotions. There are times, when I fail to shed tears at most grieved moments.
The anger within, like cancer, is killing me from within. This cancer is incurable. Researchers have not yet come across the right formula to immune people like me from this dreaded disease.
With the passage of time, I am growing to be the most dreaded being (just a being – no human being). Please forgive me God for the heinous deeds of mine. I know I have failed to be a good son. My mother loves me but I fail to remain committed to her love. Please purify me of my sins. I want to live a normal life. I want to get rid of this inner dreaded self of mine.
The anger within, threatens me, abuses me and reminds of disturbed past, a confusing present and an unpredictable future. The clutches of self generated anger has clamped me to on a thorny bed and evils of frustration are inflicting millions of atrocities on my mind and body.
I dread it. Anger is evil, I understand. But, I fail to survive without it. The Anger Within is painful. Please forgive me.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Modern day lifestyle is a roller coaster ride. Time is like flowing sand, which does not allow you to stand still and think. So how do we develop ourselves? Is there a way out? Either enrol yourself in a month long course at some behavioural training institute or start writing a diary.Daily Diary is Self Development
Maintaining a daily diary and self-development seem to be two distant relatives with nothing in common. But the moment you start writing a diary, you take the first step towards self-development. It polishes your personality, cleanses your perception and boosts your confidence. You start believing in your inner self rather than pleading to be understood by the world.
Writing daily diary is generating discipline. And if written innovatively, can yield rich results. It is a fact that computers have made people lazy and spilling ink on paper has become a thing of the yore. But compel yourself to get active, pick up the pen and start writing a diary.
The next question, which arises, is how does daily diary bring about self-development? Well, it is a multi faceted phenomenon. Great people from the past made it a point to detail important and unimportant events of their lives in their diaries. They have become epics.
Every night, before you retire to your bed, steal some time and sit down to write a diary. Try to note down the day’s events in your diary. This practice makes you think. Your mind starts thinking faster. You compel your mind to think harder by recalling every single incident that took place in the whole day. It is nothing less than aesthetic yoga for your mind.
A diary is your private property. Treat it like the costliest treasure found on a virgin island. Do not part with the facts you tend to pen down with others. Write what you feel, write what you think and enjoy reading them at your own convenience.
Be honest while writing your diary. There is no use lying to your own self. Your diary is your reflection. No one is going to read your diary except some idol minds, which tend to hamper everything that is good around him or her.
Discipline comes naturally while writing a diary. Even if you had been through the busiest schedules of a hectic day, you save some energy to write down your diary. There is no use in accounting three-day events of your life in one day.
People who pen down their goals and aspirations from earlier stages of life emerge as successful icons of future. Some may argue that this is a myth. But trying is the best way to reach a destination called ‘Success’. If you set a goal and write it down in your diary, you will try three times harder to achieve it. No one can stop you from doing so. And if they do so, just flip through the pages of your diary, which will rejuvenate your mind and again inspire you to be unique.
At times, diaries have helped in winning wars and cracking murder mysteries. History stands witness to such events. Personal autobiographies come to life, when people dig into their diaries to search for facts, which might have faded from their memories. And if you are a perfectionist, start maintaining a diary of your official work too and you will discover how you can manage things faster. Diaries can make you realise the changes in your life.
So if you still think that maintaining a diary is a hapless activity, do think again? Make life exciting and enjoy developing your own self.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Crimes through newspaper promotions
Almost every newspaper I have come across in the recent times with a classified section. It has existed since past unknown years. Mid Day, Afternoon Despatch and Courier, The Times of India, the recently launched DNA and almost every single newspaper print this information of organised but undisclosed information of a less known crime.
Normally, these advertisements are printed under the category of entertainment, appointments, personals and fun time. Given are several mobile numbers belonging to various renowned networks.
The ads are read as:
Make friends and get entertained 24 hours in company of elite women. Friendship, escort service and picnics organised on weekends. Call up Miss XYZ on 98xxxxxxxx or 98xxxxxxxx for instant membership. Female members can avail of free membership.
This is just the beginning. There are numerous perverts who do call up on these numbers and even decent human beings, who are looking out for some good company. But, what they come across is a thick net of sleazy flesh trade. Once, you entangle yourself in the services provided by them, you are bound to get addicted.
These service providers boast of spreading themselves all around India. On seeking contact, they readily agree to send a representative to your doorstep / office / or at a destination of your choice. There are certain membership fees ranging from Rs. 700 (minimum) to Rs. 20,000. After the payment being made, you are handed over a list of 50 to 100 females with their mobile numbers. They have their own rate cards. For going out on a date, they claim to charge less. For movies, the rates are phenomenal comprising refreshment charges, conveyance and much more. For an entire day outing, they are quite creative. They have good contacts with guest house owners and farm houses.
If you don’t believe this, watch Sansani on Star News, Crime Patrol on Sony TV, Crime Diary on ETV Bangla and other crime based realty shows.
Still, why the well read people are not paying attention to the crime, which is spreading like an irreparable virus? This is why millions of people are taking other people’s privacy for granted. This is a social threat to the entire nation.
The best way to stop it is to prohibit it from getting advertised in the local newspapers or by nabbing them vide their mobile numbers.
The biggest surprising element is the females who come from good family backgrounds. Some do it for fun. Around 30% of them are compelled to do so. In fact, some college going girls do it to earn their pocket money.
If this practice is not stopped a.s.a.p, this cancer will engulf the future generation and it would be impossible for all of us to get rid of this stigma.
Almost every newspaper I have come across in the recent times with a classified section. It has existed since past unknown years. Mid Day, Afternoon Despatch and Courier, The Times of India, the recently launched DNA and almost every single newspaper print this information of organised but undisclosed information of a less known crime.
Normally, these advertisements are printed under the category of entertainment, appointments, personals and fun time. Given are several mobile numbers belonging to various renowned networks.
The ads are read as:
Make friends and get entertained 24 hours in company of elite women. Friendship, escort service and picnics organised on weekends. Call up Miss XYZ on 98xxxxxxxx or 98xxxxxxxx for instant membership. Female members can avail of free membership.
This is just the beginning. There are numerous perverts who do call up on these numbers and even decent human beings, who are looking out for some good company. But, what they come across is a thick net of sleazy flesh trade. Once, you entangle yourself in the services provided by them, you are bound to get addicted.
These service providers boast of spreading themselves all around India. On seeking contact, they readily agree to send a representative to your doorstep / office / or at a destination of your choice. There are certain membership fees ranging from Rs. 700 (minimum) to Rs. 20,000. After the payment being made, you are handed over a list of 50 to 100 females with their mobile numbers. They have their own rate cards. For going out on a date, they claim to charge less. For movies, the rates are phenomenal comprising refreshment charges, conveyance and much more. For an entire day outing, they are quite creative. They have good contacts with guest house owners and farm houses.
If you don’t believe this, watch Sansani on Star News, Crime Patrol on Sony TV, Crime Diary on ETV Bangla and other crime based realty shows.
Still, why the well read people are not paying attention to the crime, which is spreading like an irreparable virus? This is why millions of people are taking other people’s privacy for granted. This is a social threat to the entire nation.
The best way to stop it is to prohibit it from getting advertised in the local newspapers or by nabbing them vide their mobile numbers.
The biggest surprising element is the females who come from good family backgrounds. Some do it for fun. Around 30% of them are compelled to do so. In fact, some college going girls do it to earn their pocket money.
If this practice is not stopped a.s.a.p, this cancer will engulf the future generation and it would be impossible for all of us to get rid of this stigma.
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